Let´s dive into one of the most exciting parts of deskbird: customizing your company's office(s)!
1. Add a floor
2. Add an area
3. Add a desk
1. Add a floor
Navigate to the Admin panel from our web app > Office Settings > Floors & Spaces.
- Let's start by adding a floor. Click Add floor. Give it a name, e.g. Floor 01.
- You can either set the floor as inactive (i.e. to prevent users from seeing it until it´s ready) or as active. Remember to click Save in the upper right corner to save the floor!
2. Add an area
Now, let's add an area to the floor you just created. On the right-hand side of the floor you just added, click the downward-facing arrow. This will expand to reveal the Add area button. Click this button to add a desk area, a meeting room (not available in deskbird Starter plan), a parking area, or a custom area (i.e. pet room, phone booths, etc.).
💡 To make your life easier, we recommend entering the right number of desks/parking spots in the field, ‘Capacity’. Doing so in this step will help you avoid adding them manually in the next step.
After you have set up the different areas, and different floors, it should look similar to this:
💡 Please remember: always click Save to not lose all your work!
3. Add desks
When the floors are set up, you can customize the desks (or parking spots, etc.) according to your needs. To do that, click Details.
On this page, you can do the following:
- Edit the area name (e.g. Finance to Marketing)
- Add a description for the area (e.g. Open for all employees)
- Restrict access to the area (by clicking on Restrict Access)
- Rename the desks (e.g. Desk 1 to Desk 1.01) by clicking on the pencil next to the title
- Change the position of the desks, by dragging and dropping the six dots at the left of the desk name
- Add a description for the desk (e.g. Dual monitors, height-adjustable seat)
- Set the status of the desk (active/inactive) - this can be useful when, for instance, the physical desk is available, but no one is using it or it is not allowed to be used
- Assign desks to individual people
- Delete a desk by clicking on the trash can icon
- Restore a desk by clicking on the arrow
- Delete the whole area by clicking on the red Delete area button
When you click +Add desk, this will pop up:
In this section, you can:
- Add a series of desks automatically (e.g. 10 desks in the Sales area)
- Change their status
- Edit the naming convention by customizing the prefix, the starting number, and the number of zeros before the number.
For example, if the desks are on the second floor, in room no.13, and you want to add 5 desks with a unique naming convention. In this case, you can add “2.13.” as the prefix.
Let's say you also would like to add a 0 before the desk number.
The system will now automatically add the following desks:
And this is it! Your floors, areas, and desks are now all set up.
💡 Check the articles on Interactive Floorplans to find out how to place these desks, parking spots, etc. on an interactive map.
💡 If you have any questions, please contact support@deskbird.com.