Welcome to the FAQ page for deskbird’s new pricing model. We’ve updated our pricing to provide more flexibility and better align with your needs. This page answers common questions about the transition and our new multi-product framework.
For more details, check our Terms of Service or new pricing page.
1. General Pricing Model Changes
1.1 Why is the pricing model changing?
deskbird’s pricing model is changing to reflect our expanding product suite and to provide a more flexible, tailored approach. The new structure ensures you only pay for the products you use, allowing us to serve a diverse range of customer needs better.
1.2 Does my price change and how do I benefit from it?
Under the new model, your pricing may adjust depending on your product usage and package alignment. Any potential pricing change will be communicated well in advance for you to review. In return, you gain access to a more flexible and transparent pricing structure, with additional options to customize your workplace management tools. For details on pricing, see the Terms of Service and updated pricing page.
1.3 What are the key changes in deskbird’s pricing model?
deskbird is transitioning to a multi-product pricing framework. The new structure includes Desk Booking Platform, Room Booking, and Workforce Engagement, each priced based on usage metrics like users or rooms. For specific details, please refer to our Terms of Service and updated pricing page.
1.4 What is the difference between the previous single-platform model and the new multi-product model?
Previously, deskbird offered one platform with three packages (Starter, Business, Enterprise) charged per user. Now, customers can choose specific products—Desk Booking Platform, Room Booking, and Workforce Engagement - tailored to their needs. For detailed pricing, please visit the Terms of Service or pricing page.
1.5 What is the difference between core and advanced features?
Core features include essential workplace management tools, while advanced features offer additional functionality and specialized solutions. For detailed definitions, please refer to the pricing page.
1.6 Do I need to take any action to switch to the new pricing model?
No action is needed. Customers using core Desk Booking functions will see no changes. If you are using features that require a pricing change, you will be informed well in advance with the option to review any proposed change.
1.7 Will this pricing change affect existing customers differently than new customers?
Existing customers will be automatically transitioned to the new model. New customers will receive their offer reflecting our updated pricing.
1.8 How will deskbird communicate updates about pricing changes?
You will receive notifications via email and through your Account Manager. Updates will also be available on the pricing page.
2. Product-Specific Pricing Details
2.1 How is Room Booking priced, and what does “per meeting room” mean?
Basic Room Booking functionalities are included in the core Desk Booking Platform. If you are using advanced features, such as catering, or Kiosk Mode, Room Booking pricing is based on the number of meeting rooms in your organization. Details are available in our Terms of Service and updated pricing page.
2.2 What is the pricing structure for Workforce Engagement, and how is it calculated per user?
Workforce Engagement is priced per user. For more details, please visit the Terms of Service and pricing page.
2.3 What are the minimum requirements for each product (e.g., user/room thresholds)?
Each product has specific minimum thresholds. You can find these details in the Terms of Service and pricing page.
2.4 Are there any discounts for bundling multiple products?
deskbird offers tailored pricing for customers using multiple products. Contact your Account Manager for more details.
2.5 Can I switch between products or tiers during my contract?
Yes, you can adjust your plan as your organization’s needs evolve. Contact your Account Manager to discuss your options.
2.6 What happens if I exceed my package or tier limits?
If you exceed the limits of your package—for example, by adding more users or rooms—you may incur additional charges or be upgraded to the next tier. If the overage was unintentional, contact your Account Manager to discuss options for adjusting or reverting the change.
2.7 How will I know if I’m using core or advanced features?
Our team will notify you if your current usage includes advanced features. For a full breakdown, please refer to the pricing page or contact your Account Manager.
3. Transition and implementation
3.1 How will I know which plan I’ve been transitioned to?
deskbird will notify you of your new plan details, including pricing, well before the two-month transition period ends.
3.2 Will there be any changes to billing cycles or payment terms?
Your billing cycle and payment terms will remain the same, with adjustments only to the pricing structure. See our Terms of Service for details.
3.3 What if my organization does not meet the minimum thresholds for users or rooms?
deskbird offers flexible solutions for organizations with unique requirements. Contact your Account Manager for personalized options.
3.4 Is there a trial period or demo available for new products like Room Booking or Workforce Engagement?
Yes, deskbird provides demos and trials for new products. Contact your Account Manager or reach out to our Customer Success Team via success@deskbird.com to learn more.
3.5 What happens if I want to upgrade to advanced features?
You can upgrade your plan to include advanced features at any time. To explore your options, contact your Account Manager or our Customer Success Team at success@deskbird.com.
4. Features and Benefits
4.1 Will any features be removed or added to my current package during the transition?
All core Desk Booking functionalities will remain. Additional functionalities may be available in higher-tier packages. For details, refer to the pricing page.
4.2 What are the specific features included in each package?
Each package offers a tailored set of features. Detailed information is available on the pricing page.
4.3 How does deskbird support the onboarding process for new or updated products?
deskbird provides onboarding support, including training, resources, and dedicated customer success managers for Enterprise customers.
5. Terms and Support
5.1 How will the updated Terms of Service impact me as a customer?
The updated Terms of Service reflect the new pricing structure accordingly. Full details are in the Terms of Service.
5.2 Can I opt out of certain products while keeping others?
Yes, deskbird’s modular pricing allows you to choose and pay only for the products you need.
5.3 Will Customer Support or Account Management offerings differ between packages?
Yes, higher-tier packages, such as Enterprise, include additional benefits like dedicated Customer Success Managers and advanced support. Details are available on the pricing page.
5.4 Where can I find detailed documentation about each product and its pricing?
You can find detailed information about all products and pricing on the Terms of Service and updated pricing page.
5.5 Who can I contact if I have additional questions about the changes?
You can reach out to your Account Manager or contact deskbird’s Customer Success Team via success@deskbird.com.
We hope this FAQ has provided clarity about deskbird’s new pricing model and the opportunities it offers for greater flexibility and value. If you have further questions or need personalized assistance, don’t hesitate to contact your Account Manager or reach out to our Customer Success team via success@deskbird.com.
Thank you for being a valued deskbird customer—we’re excited to continue supporting your workplace management needs!