Admins can create a workspace that aligns perfectly with their company's needs. deskbird lets admins do that by giving them the power to configure access at the office, area, and desk levels.
In this article, we'll focus on access configuration at the area level. This feature provides the flexibility to determine who can use specific areas within your office, ensuring that each area serves its intended purpose efficiently.
How do I configure access to an area?
Go to the admin portal on our web app.
Navigate to the Floors and Spaces section. Click to expand the floor on which the area you're interested in is located. Click Details for that area.
On the right side of this page, you'll find a section called "Access". Here, you can configure the access for the area depending on your requirements.
Admins have three access options for each area:
- Open access (Standard): This is the default setting. Everyone who has access to the office can access this area without any restrictions.
- Priority access: With this option, the admin has the authority to grant specific user groups and individual users unrestricted access to a particular area. Those not explicitly granted access have the option to book a desk in this area but with certain conditions.
These users can make bookings starting one day in advance from a time specified by the admin. However, they can only book a desk if the team with priority access hasn't already booked all the available desks in that area.
For example, let's consider an area with 4 desks where the Finance Team enjoys priority access. If the Finance Team has booked 3 out of the 4 desks, a member of the Marketing Team can book the remaining unoccupied desk one day in advance from 4 pm.
This system ensures that designated teams have priority access to certain areas while also maximizing area utilization when the prioritized team is not present in the office.
- Restricted access: To limit access to particular teams, choose the Restricted access option from the menu, and proceed to specify the individual users or user groups you wish to grant access to the area, such as Customer Success or BDR, for instance.
You can also decide whether this area should be visible on the floor plan for users who do not have access to it. It's ideal for areas exclusively used by specific teams or individuals.
These access options give you the flexibility to tailor your workspace to your organization's needs. Whether you need to grant open access, prioritize specific teams, or create exclusive, restricted areas, deskbird makes managing who can use each area easy.
💡 Remember that the following user roles have the authority to book at any time, regardless of these access restrictions: Global admin, Office admin, and Manager.
💡To find out more about restricting access at the desk level, click here.